小鸡炖蘑菇 / Chicken And Mushroom Stew Northeastern Style


This is an uncompleted recipe.


🏷️Northeastern Chinese Cuisine





Honey fungus mushroom (alternatively shiitake)

Sweet potato noodles

Green onions

Cooking wine

Cooking oil




Star anise


Soy sauce


  1. Reconstitute dried honey fungus mushroom in water

  2. Reconstitute sweet potato noodles in water

  3. Debone and dice chicken, remove chicken fat

  4. Bake chicken fat and bones to render fat and brown

  5. To a pan with heated cooking oil, add sliced ginger, star anise, then chopped green onions until fragrant

  6. Add cooking wine, reconstituted mushroom and mushroom water (discard water at the bottom with settled debris), soy sauce, bouillon, chicken bones and fat

  7. Bring to a boil then simmer for 15 minutes

  8. Add sweet potato noodles and simmer for another 5 minutes

  9. Serve