水晶肘花 / Braised Ham Hock


This is an uncompleted recipe.


🏷️Chinese Cuisine




Ham hock

Green onions

Cooking wine

Water (enough to submerge ingredients)


Salt (1.5%)



Soy sauce

Black vinegar

Star anise


Sichuan pepper


  1. Debone ham hock

  2. Brown the bone with an air fryer

  3. Make some cuts on the muscles and wrap the ham hock along the shorter side using a makisu, then tighten with butcher’s twine

  4. Measure weight of ingredients

  5. Bring water with the bone, salt, bouillon and spices to a boil

  6. Add the ham hock, green onions, cooking wine and cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes

  7. Remove from heat and let it sit for a while

  8. Refrigerate overnight

  9. Slice and serve with a garlic dipping sauce (garlic, soy sauce, black vinegar)