.. _recipe-8f7d9ee4c082b6791e08edec96d786c7: 杭椒牛柳 ======== .. div:: sd-text-right `Find out more about this dish on Google ➡️ `_ .. |uncheck| raw:: html .. attention:: This is an uncompleted recipe. 🏷️Tags ------------ :bdg-link-primary:`Chinese <../../search.html?q=Chinese>` 🥦Ingredients ------------------------ |uncheck| `Beef `_ |uncheck| Korean `pepper `_ |uncheck| `Cooking oil `_ |uncheck| `Baking soda `_ |uncheck| `Cornstarch `_ 🧂Seasoning -------------------- |uncheck| `Ginger `_ |uncheck| `Garlic `_ |uncheck| `Soy sauce `_ |uncheck| `Cooking wine `_ 🔢Directions ---------------------- #. Soften sliced beef with baking soda, 30 minutes #. Mix sliced beef with soy sauce, cooking wine, cornstarch and cooking oil #. Stir fry beef #. Trim peppers and flatten #. Fry peppers with ginger and garlic #. Add beef, mix well and serve