.. _recipe-bd69bbbda14e7b298fb594f169d18417: 番茄米线 / Tomato Rice Noodles ==================================================== .. div:: sd-text-right `Find out more about this dish on Google ➡️ `_ .. |uncheck| raw:: html .. attention:: This is an uncompleted recipe. 🏷️Tags ------------ :bdg-link-primary:`🏷️Chinese Cuisine <../../search.html?q=%F0%9F%8F%B7%EF%B8%8FChinese%20Cuisine>` 🖼️Image -------------- .. image:: ../../Images/recipe-bd69bbbda14e7b298fb594f169d18417.jpg :width: 600 🥦Ingredients ------------------------ |uncheck| `Rice `_ `noodles `_ |uncheck| `Tomatoes `_ |uncheck| `Canned `_ `crushed `_ `tomatoes `_ |uncheck| Toppings |uncheck| `Water `_ 🧂Seasoning -------------------- |uncheck| `Salt `_ |uncheck| `Beef `_ `bouillon `_ |uncheck| `Rice vinegar `_ |uncheck| `Ketchup `_ 🔢Directions ---------------------- #. Reconstitute rice noodles in warm water #. Prepare toppings #. In a pan, boil water and crushed tomatoes until it makes a soup neither thin nor thick #. Season with a little beef bouillon and then salt to taste, then simmer for 5 minutes #. Finish the soup with ketchup and rice vinegar #. In a separate pan full of water, boil rice noodles until soft #. To a bowl, add rice noodles, soup and toppings #. Serve