.. _recipe-dc54f00ab0cf5046e34d4db58d300cc4: 木耳拌腐竹 / Wood Ear Mushroom And Tofu Skin Salad ========================================================================================== .. div:: sd-text-right `Find out more about this dish on Google ➡️ `_ .. |uncheck| raw:: html .. attention:: This is an uncompleted recipe. 🏷️Tags ------------ :bdg-link-primary:`🏷️Chinese Cuisine <../../search.html?q=%F0%9F%8F%B7%EF%B8%8FChinese%20Cuisine>` :bdg-link-primary:`🏷️Side Dish <../../search.html?q=%F0%9F%8F%B7%EF%B8%8FSide%20Dish>` :bdg-link-primary:`🏷️Served Cold <../../search.html?q=%F0%9F%8F%B7%EF%B8%8FServed%20Cold>` 🖼️Image -------------- .. image:: ../../Images/recipe-dc54f00ab0cf5046e34d4db58d300cc4.jpg :width: 600 🥦Ingredients ------------------------ |uncheck| `Wood ear mushroom `_ |uncheck| `Tofu skin `_ |uncheck| `Cilantro `_ |uncheck| `Cooking oil `_ 🧂Seasoning -------------------- |uncheck| `Sugar `_ |uncheck| `Salt `_ |uncheck| `Dark `_ `vinegar `_ |uncheck| `Garlic `_ |uncheck| `Sesame oil `_ |uncheck| `Chili oil `_ 🔢Directions ---------------------- #. Reconstitute tofu skin and wood ear mushroom #. Blanch wood ear mushroom #. To a pan, add tofu skin, stir over high heat until dry then fry with a dash of cooking oil #. Combine all ingredients and seasoning then serve